## version $VER: ManiacEdit.catalog ?.? (??.??.??) ## codeset 0 ## language ? ; \n = newline ; \033c = center text ; \033b = bold text ; \033n = normal text ; Make sure that you don't have two gadgets with the same key in one window ; Test the registration-text if it looks ok! AppTitle ;ManiacEdit AppDescription ;Leveleditor for ManiacBall ; *** Enter your name here: *** catalogauthor ;english catalog by\nPeter Elzner okKey cancel ;Cancel cancelKey YesNo ;_Yes|*_No ;empty ; *** Extras: ;score bonus 50 ;score bonus 100 ;score bonus 200 ;score bonus 400 ;forcefield ;small ;laser ;slow ;fast ;steel ball ;double ball ;extralife ;levelwarp ;super extra ; *** Registration text: RegPay1 ;Cash RegPay2 ;(Euro)Cheque RegPay3 ;Foreign Cheque RegPay4 ;Bank transfer RegPayText1 ;\033b25DM\033n or \033b20US$\033n RegPayText2 ;\033b25DM\033n (DM only!) RegPayText3 ;\033b20US$\033n or the equivalent in another currency RegPayText4 ;see manual or printed text for details RegDisk1 ;on disk RegDisk2 ;via E-Mail RegText1 ;\n\n\n\n To: Peter Elzner\n Grudene 6a\n 58644 Iserlohn\n Germany\n\n\n\n\n\nManiacBall Registration\n-----------------------\n\n\n Name: RegText2 ;\n Street: RegText3 ;\n City: RegText4 ;\nCountry: RegText5 ;\n\n Phone: RegText6 ;\n E-Mail: RegText7 ;\n\nI want to register the game Maniacball and I have\npaid the shareware fee:\n RegText8 ;\n\nI want to get RegText9 ;\n\n\n\nComments: RegText10 ;\n\nI have ManiacBall from: PayText1 ;with cash (25DM or 20US$). PayText2 ;with a (Euro)cheque for 25DM. PayText3 ;with a foreign cheque for 20US$\n (or the equivalente in another currency) PayText4 ;via bank transfer to this account:\n Peter Elzner\n Commerzbank Letmathe\n BLZ: 445 400 22\n K.Nr: 5000 104 DiskText1 ; my keyfile and the latest version of\nManiacBall on disk. DiskText2 ; my keyfile via E-Mail. ;Exit exitKey ; *** window 1 win1title ;ManiacBall Leveleditor lvlgroup ;Levelgroup newgroup ;Create new Group newgroupKey ;Level lvlKey author ;Author authorKey password ;Password passKey about ;About aboutKey ;Load loadKey ;Save saveKey ;Test testKey Player1 ;1 player Player2 ;2 player ;Edit ;Bricks bmapKey ;Extras emapKey ;Quit quitKey ;\033bRegister regKey prefs ;Prefs prefsKey ; *** window 2 win2title ;Edit Bricks invisible ;invisible invisibleKey clear ;Clear clearKey ;UnDo undoKey setpads ;Set Paddles setpadsKey ; *** window 3 win3title ;Edit Extras setextras ;Set random Extras setextrasKey ; *** window 4 win4title ;Set random Extras check ;Check checkKey ; *** window 5 win5title ;Set Paddles upPadKey loPadKey lePadKey riPadKey activePad ;active Paddle activePadKey upPad ;upper Pad loPad ;lower Pad lePad ;left Pad riPad ;right Pad ; *** window 6 win6title ;Create Levelgroup dirName ;Groupname dirNameKey ; *** window 7 win7title ;Register MainacBall regName ;Name regNameKey regStreet ;Street regStreetKey regCity ;City regCityKey regCountry ;Country regCountryKey regPhone ;Phone regPhoneKey regMail ;E-Mail regMailKey regFrom ;I have ManiacBall from regFromKey regPay ;I will pay the Shareware fee with regPayKey regDisk ;How do you want to get your keyfile? regDiskKey Print ;Print PrintKey ;Save to Disk SaveKey ; *** window 8 win8title ;About about2 ;\033cUnregistered Version!\nPlease support shareware! about3 ;\033n\n\nSend new levels to: ; *** QuitText ;Do you really want\nto leave the Editor? OverwriteText ;\033cLevel already exists.\nOverwrite? CheckOk ;\033c\033bThis Level is 100% ok CheckStr1 ;\033c\033bThe Level contains the following Errors:\n\033n ; *** bubble help Group1Help ;\033cThis is the current Levelgroup Group2Help ;\033cSelect another Levelgroup Group3Help ;\033cCreate a new Levelgroup LevelHelp ;\033cSelect the Level you want to edit AuthorHelp ;\033cType in your name PasswordHelp ;\033cPassword to start\nat this Level LoadHelp ;\033cLoad a Level\nwith the selected number\nfrom the selected Levelgroup SaveHelp ;\033cSave the Level\nwith the selected number\nto the selected Levelgroup Test1Help ;\033cTest this Level Test2Help ;\033cOne- or Two-Player testing BrickHelp ;\033cEdit the Bricks and the Paddles ExtraHelp ;\033cEdit the Extras QuitHelp ;\033cLeave this program InvisibleHelp ;\033cIf selected, every new\nBrick will be\ninvisible until hit\nby the ball PadHelp ;\033cTo (de)activate the Paddle,\nuse `SetPaddles'\nTo change the size,\nclick on the edges ClearHelp ;\033cFills the entire playfield\nwith the selected entry UndoHelp ;\033cTakes back the last move SetPadsHelp ;\033cHere you can activate\nand deactivate the Paddles SetExtrasHelp ;\033cHere you can specify Extras\nthat will be placed randomly in the playfield\neverytime you start the Level CheckHelp ;\033cChecks if there is enough free space\nfor all the selected Extras PadSizeHelp ;\033cSet the initial size\nof the Paddle PadCKHelp ;\033c(De)Activate the Paddle ActivePadHelp ;\033cSelect the Paddle\nthat will hold the ball\nat the beginning DirNameHelp ;\033cJust type in a name\nfor the new Levelgroup RegHelp ;\033cClick here\nto register immediately RegPay1Help ;\033cChoose how you want to pay\nfor the registered version\nSee manual for more details RegPay2Help ;\033cAdditional\ninformation RegDiskHelp ;\033cGetting the keyfile via E-Mail\nis faster than via snail-mail (disk) RegPrintHelp ;\033cPrints the registration text,\nready for you to put it in the envelope RegSaveHelp ;\033cSaves the registration text to disk,\nif you want to send it via E-Mail RegNameHelp ;\033cFirstName FamilyName RegStreetHelp ;\033cNr.,Street,\nDistrict or Apt. RegCityHelp ;\033cPostalCode,City,Country\n or City,ZIPCode RegCountryHelp ;\033cEngland, USA, ... RegPhoneHelp ;\033cThis is optional RegMailHelp ;\033cuser@host.domain RegFromHelp ;\033cAmiNet or AmiNet-CD?\n Mailbox? Coverdisk? PrefsHelp ;\033cStart the\nMUI Preferences Program ; *** error error ;Error: CheckError1 ;No Pad available\n CheckError2 ;Active Pad not available\n CheckError3 ;Not enough free space for random Extras\n LoadSaveError ;\033cPlease select a\nLevelgroup first LoadError2 ;\033cLoad Error:\nCorrupt filesize LoadError3 ;\033cLoad Error:\nUnknown Levelversion LoadError4 ;\033cLoad Error:\nFile not found LoadError5 ;\033cLoad Error:\nWrong Checksum LoadError6 ;\033cLoad Error:\nWrong Levelnumber SaveError1 ;\033cSave Error:\nPlease select a\nLevelgroup first SaveError ;\033cError saving Level TestError1 ;\033cError saving Testlevel TestError2 ;\033cCould not start\nManiacBall DoRegError1 ;\033cCould not save\nregistration text DoRegError2 ;\033cCould not print\nregistration text error1 ;Could not get/load gfx error2 ;Could not get bitmaps error3 ;Could not create Hook error4 ;Could not get superclass error5 ;Could not get customclass error6 ;Failed to create Application error7 ;Error calling dos.ParsePatternNoCase() error10 ;Could not get asl-Requester error8 ;Could not create Levegroup error9 ;Levelgroup already exists